How is it any ******* different Tell me please id like to know You can bow with the crowd after your show After you’ve finished screaming and yelling and threatening And I’m ******* crying wanting to escape you. Because I’m sick of this hurt as much as I’m sick of you. You say you love me You say you care but then won’t let me be You hurt me emotionally And when i fight back or do the same things you do I’m the one punished That’s not fair and i dont care What stupid ******* book you’re reading because it’s clearly not ******* helping You’re still hurting me And i dont care how much or even how you apologize Because deep down we both know it’s a lie. So maybe i defend myself because we learn from what our parents teach us You’ve taught me to be the abusive one who apologizes after mutilating trust. But it’s okay because I’ve at least accepted that about myself So now i can fix it. I can get help. But as long as you deny how much pain you put me in You’ll never compare in this fight, you’ll never win. After this long with this painful tune I’ve learned how to hurt myself better than you.