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Dec 2017
The blood moon beckons a bitter hue
Rising above the frothy winter dew.
In the night- luminated a single room.
My only solace in the suppressive city gloom.

(Staring in the nocturnal vacuity:
A grey hazy mirror passing in my soul.)

Blades of silver steel
Puncture my mind, with
Seething desire I long to wield.

Withholding the bitter sorrow
I take the blade in hand,
To cleanse me from the β€˜morrow.

Slitting of flesh ensue,
The ****** begins.
Skinning to the bone to make me anew.

From head to toe,
Cut to shreds.
No one will feel the pleasure I know.

Squirting from my anatomy.
The warm gush of fluid.
The spermatozoa-blood spewing over me.

For the final incision-
Off with my ****** β€œmember.”
Pressure relieved.

****** achieved.

                                                  THE END…
Industrial Death
Written by
Industrial Death  21/M/North Carolina
(21/M/North Carolina)   
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