Looking back at our love, began full of sparked ignitions and frictions of heat, red flames of passion love lust trust and comfort perhaps over sticks not coal.
We heard a whisper... "to enjoy a lasting fire one must have a good foundation, coal is key not sticks nor paper or it will burn out fast"
When tested, our fire sizzled out. flameless love sticks was all we had to work with. no foundation of coal. nor that signature paper.
We've sat blowing at these sticks from all sides with hope of catching one last spark, trying to awaken the fire once again. Campaigning within ourselves let's live again, lust again, love Against and beyond ourselves
Have we lost sight of the ground? taken by the wind of life's happenings now barely touching at fingertips
we've forgotten the lips that whispered foundations of a true love's lasting fire.
are we hopeless? our love flames are breathing on sticks not coal.
both locked on exhale no oxygen to our souls back, neck and head coiled like a lifeless corps hanging from the spine
we are dying, Love we've blown all through and through and I know somehow I still love you but while sitting in this thick cloud of smoke I fearfully ask how do I breathe for I and you?