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Nov 2017
Everything started with me, As a human being
Every actions I did led up to this
But what you did shouldn't have been a guaranted
Why,Everything you were doing I was disagreeing, See
I can't understand why your not comprehending what I'm saying
I'll break it down, So you can understand
At the age 2 you started to abuse
Until I was eight, Stopped only because the state took me away
Even though that wasn't the worse
I still remember those bruises on my back,The belts you'd guys use,
And your hands that slapped ,
And how you never showed remorseΒ Β 
But then I was saved when the state took me away
But not really cause a year later I went back
Cause I said I wanted to go home
Then live with a dad who I barley even knew
You have to remember I was only eight I didn't know what to say
I apologize for any of the confusion
The first year was great, Nothing went wrong
Just me, my mom, her husband, my brother

That was a mistake, I shouldn't have given in
The moment I let my guard down
That's the moment you intrude
I can't believe I trusted you
I didn't get the ******* clue
I didn't get the memo

The night she left me alone with you
That's the moment she messed up
You came into my room, You closed the door
I didn't have a choice but to follow along
You brought out a gun
But we weren't on the same team
Shots fired
But no, You left me with something worse then a wound
You left a memory that can never heal
A scar that can never be removed
See I tried to fight but you overpowered
You took my clothes off And pushed me on the bed
You took advantage
Of what you shouldn't have
You should be a ashamed
Cause this is no actions of a real man
Written by
tayarose  17/F/Always somewhere
(17/F/Always somewhere)   
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