"Tired" people look at you and say Get some extra sleep it'll soon go away "But sleeps not the problem" I begin to say Then look into their eyes, they've already gone away
Some that aren't kind say it's getting old I don't have a problem with that being told But I don't think a proper diagnosis is "your getting old lol" 3 weeks back I could run 5k, more than they would walk in a day
So it's not my age or my bones I have great warmth, I'm not feeling cold What can this tiredness be, maybe it's good old fashioned lethargy, now known as PTSD
Don't get me wrong I'm no sloth but right now it's hard to get out of bed with that said "just pass me the duvet and let me pull it up over my head" Ignoring the world for just a bit longer until I feel that bit stronger
Losing two good peeps on less than 12 months and a road traffic accident too has taken its toll, felt very fatigued, sluggish, bloated last 3 weeks, beginning to feel a bit better now