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Nov 2017
Walking alone in the hallways
Hearing the echoes of your laugh bouncing of the walls
Reminiscing on better days

I dont feel empty anymore.
I am detached from reality, floating in a still state of mind
Trying to hide away in a place no one can find

Brick walls being built
Shutting away the voices
Running away from the guilt

"If we are ment to be. We will come back to each other," you said before you left
You took my heart and never brought it back in one piece
That should be considered as theft

My heartbeat used to beat for you
Now my heart aches beacuse of you

Regretting the moments I believed would last forever
Forcing myself to believe we werent ment to be together

A part of me still holds onto you
Losing hope but reaching out for you
Realising you wont do want I need you to

I never thought the dream would end
When it did my life became a nightmare
Happy moments became rare

You and me we were forbidden lovers
In a story that was eventually going to end in one of us leaving each other
I wished I listened to my mother

She warned me about you.
But addiction got the best of me
Thought that we were ment to be

I was wrong.

You left in peace
But left me in pieces.

When she said she love me. Was she trully in love of me or was she in love with the thought of me?
Written by
Torontoisart  15/M
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