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Nov 2017
she meanders like a fire
into darkness and over the silence
around cascading waterfalls
she pools at the bottom of your heart
then she’s gone again
as quick as she arrived
she flees from her own form
softer than a rain storm
shallower than a puddle
her magic remains active
in the thunder’s hunger
for another thousand years of slumber
i strum the guitar
sit up by the fire
and speak words of broken music
solvents could never
dissolve these misplaced feelings
servants shine our shoes
against the backdrop of the news
swarms of silent reveries
humanities dismemberment
our agreements forgotten and gone rotten
like cattle in the slaughterhouse
our trust is rusted like copper left out in the rain
melted into liquid castings
i embark on the outgoing tides
side with the devil and you are bound to fall
so even after all the ups and downs
and years of underground living
we return to the fire of the sun as a new material
a type of clay ready to be burnt
a piece of wood that is quick to smoke
stoked by love’s hands
standing out or in
i shall never know
the loudness of the echo
the mountains or the rainbow’s demolition
strategies broken by time’s indecision
situations mistaken
as if they were not awakened yet
i am getting wet
standing in the rain
and snakes are dancing on the lawn
Ganesha Michael Shapiro
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