There's half a bottle of wine the fridge and a lifetime of worry in my bones. I'm being dramatic, maybe, surely when there's all those kids starving over there in Africa. My sister studied great whites there without a college degree. What did I want when I was eighteen? We are all so sure, aren't we. I lost my motivation as easily as a senile old man loses his shoe. It is there, somewhere, I know it. And the longer I look the more frantic I become. And there are days when not caring seems okay. They shouldn't tell us we can all become doctors and home owners, actors, professional chefs, humanitarians. I wished for something I didn't know I didn't want. And what do I wish for now but a happiness that exists at the end of a dog's leash. Is mindfulness or oblivion a better choice? The answer is not at the bottom of a bottle but in this case it is only half full so what is the harm.