They asked me what my greatest fear was. I thought for a moment and then it hit me. Really hard. I almost felt the pain of the fact itself. The fact i could die without finding the one who makes me weak. Weak in the most beautiful possible way. That kind of weakness when i can't move any part of my body. Such a weakness when the only thing you feel is tickling. But for the moment, in the mess of my thoughts, only thing I can think of is you. Suddenly I'm feeling numb because you could be the one. The one who could make sure i never fear. Because your eyes are pure stars. And your fingers, when they touch me, freeze me to the bones. But in spite of that I feel so alive and so infinite. It's like that numbness gives me energy. Isn't it ironic? Life is a paradox. We are all made from stellar stuff. And nuclear fusion gives us goosebumps.