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Oct 2017
I know you don't understand
I have been trying to bridge the gap.

You do not know me
And I don't really know you
I don't trust you.
To have a true relationship
We are going to have
Get to know each other
On common ground.

I need a minute
I need you to understand
That this relationship that you are ready for
Is just too much to ask of me
BAD THINGS did happen
HORRIBLE THINGS I cannot just forget.

My impulse is not to lean on you
You are pushing me away
By pushing yourself on me
I need you to let me come to you
As I am ready
Forcing yourself on me
Putting me in a position
Where I have to say no.

There is a huge gap
Between how you see me
And how I see me
This will take time, patience
And tremendous effort
To bridge that gap.

I know you don't understand
I am trying to bridge the gap.
I am so frustrated.
Written by
NitaAnn  Land of Nightmares
(Land of Nightmares)   
   The Iron Reaver and Lior Gavra
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