Trying to balance Home and School Is like trying To write on a wall You’ll get holes in your paper And the writing will be jagged The paper’s your soul And the writing’s how you handle it No matter how hard you try Your two lives will combine School life will include You from home And you’ll have outbursts at home That comes from school ‘Cause everyone’s different At different times And you cannot say There’s only one you Because you’ve got Many different sides And you try to balance them But you can’t find the divide So one life Turns into another And you're left wondrin’ What happened to balance? What happened to a life That was all planned out That you had created And was never in doubt “This life will happen” You’d thought to yourself But now your left Throwing that life on a shelf Or better yet, in the garbage Because the life you planned You’ll never get back So just stop tryin’ to balance Because it’ll never happen
I struggle with this every day. Comment if you do too!