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Sep 2017
i can't stop
craving the feeling
of your lips on mine.
our tongues
passionately dancing
to an ****** melody.
i want to feel you
between my thighs,
a painful pleasure
that can't be replaced.
i want you
i want you
i want you
and yet i can't have you
because we can never
get alone.
i just want
to rest my head
on your chest
and listen to
your heartbreat
keeping time with mine.
i want to leave
a trail of kisses
from your jaw
to your stomach.
i want you to
want me.
i want you
to satisfy
the deepest desires
of my heart.
i want you
to whisper in my ear
all the things
i've been dying to hear.
i want you
i want you
i want you.
i need you.
briannah rae
Written by
briannah rae  17/F
         Nessa dieR, skyler, Jack Jenkins, helena alexis, --- and 9 others
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