We poets write, with an array of colorful words inside our pallet of thoughts.
Ink radiates BLUE moves across page when sad. RED indicates emotions like fear that need place to be exposed. YELLOW aligns with rays like sun to warm heart. And GREEN sings like birds passing verses of song along.
We find BLACK, inside pallet to scribe words when feeling alone or crestfallen. BROWN like earth to ground planting seeds of insight. PINK as playful words that awakens child in mind. And ORANGE to fill pallet with an eyes meal for nourishment.
GOLD to offer riches of words that float on page. SILVER adorning moment with waves of jargon that shine. And PURPLE to launch dreams, as if pen becomes rocket-ship.
Yes, we writers are artists who scribe with colorful passion and purpose.
Purpose to use pen as brush leaving reader a snippet of our lives inside a masterpiece.