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Sep 2017
With insanely absolute certainty
I am definitely convinced,
that notion died instantly yesterday.
Unwittingly the dream committed suicide.
Our next generation will suffer for the
bad mistakes of our greedy elders.
They cannot save us now.
The pain of fixing it is worst than
the original pain experienced.
They have no clue of the
magnanimity of what they have done.
We can't escape from the
consequences of our deeds.
Doom awaits in the corner.
Go back to where you have fallen.
Mend your fences.
Hurry for thunderstorms.
Save yourselves from their
tortuous acts awaiting you.
Unity among you is vitally necessary.
Our ancestors who sleeps
long ago awakes in their vaults.
The doors of the spirits is now opened.
The blood of our own kindreds
and children killed cries
out from their graves.
Who is he that will boldly
answer the dance call of the flute played.
Let such a one fearlessly come out
of the veil and lead our people.
Our help only comes from our unity.
One voice is our strength.
God will be our helper.
©2017. Emeka Mokeme.All rights reserved.
Emeka Mokeme
Written by
Emeka Mokeme  M/Nigeria
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