Difficult. You said i crave difficult You said you were "difficult" If difficult is not wanting to die If difficult is loving myself If difficult is happiness If difficult is feeling butterflies in my gut If difficult is having a future If difficult is a german shepherd If difficult is shared cigarettes If difficult is soft whispers If difficult is a reason to wake up If difficult is a busy small apartment If difficult is holding each other If difficult is hours upon hours of plans If difficult is feeling complete for once If difficult is laughing and smiling If difficult is a loving embrace If difficult is a rebellious fire If difficult is puppy kisses and tight grips If difficult is pancakes If difficult is an angel, you If difficult is the love of my life If difficult is the stars in the sky If difficult is love letters If difficult is puppy kisses If difficult is sleeping soundly If difficult is a reassuring hand If difficult is peace If difficult is too many blankets on the bed If difficult is an open heart If difficult is being yours If difficult is us? You're ******* right I want difficult. Ad astra per aspera.