So. Who made you Lord of this manor that your tables and chairs be dumped at the end of my road ? That every mattress you find may be handed down , From your lorry , car , van , and dumped at the end of my street . Who made you king of your hill , So to trash my neighbor hood with tv s. no charity wants , With sacks of books and little girls toys. Left out for cats and dogs . .
What makes you think for a while, All that money to the council will go , To pick up your sofas and boxes down the end of my road . Please don't leave your sofas It's not hard to understand, It's selfish , cruel , and heartless , a blight on this once great land , With tables books and chairs .
You gods of your own small world , Who trash and burn how you please , Like nothing can ever touch you , You damage make waste our land, When once was neat and tidy , I was proud to call this home , And Charity's pick up the tab . What a selfish thing to do .