an assembly or better named a clump of multifarious flotsam presenting its untidy self on a recent passing streetcorner..
a hesitating photo records a drifting pinecone centering a stained and shredding newspaper a broken sharp stick red rocks of scales and shadings flecking dried green leaves..
order imposed by framing and shaping of the sidewalk corner.. might other forms emerge with a focused patience?
a partial headline reads ...sound without the wires.. news of expanding connections outside a material realm? headline seemed embedded in thick advertising bulk announcing a continuing culture of material weight.. much else of red and green..
the centering pinecone occasional pineal symbol of higher dimension entry.. somehow rightly here in the dark center of this mess
this a brief experiment not yet for most an answer a question now of mining finding patterned varieties in large nature's trove.. patient visions residing in gathered fragments if gathered they be.. expectations of more in what persists of this and that in time... :)