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Aug 2017
We're on a slippery *****
As we raise high all the hoops
Someone grab ahold of the rope
But not the one with the ragged end noose

If we keep on in this spiral
Of downward trajectory
There will soon be nothing left
When it comes to you and me

Galloping along on our high horse
Aren't we all the same to blame
As a matter of sense in this matter of course
Don't we all blame the same

We set our standards high
Expecting the others to jump
Knowing that if we ourselves even tried
We wouldn't have too much luck

With our do as I say
But don't do as I do
Leading the way
In our new attitude

Or we too afraid
To sing life in harmony
As our voices raise
To this daily song way off key

I keep wondering when
We'll say enough is enough
And see that hate doesn't stop hate
Hate only sucombs to love
Mike Hauser
Written by
Mike Hauser  Sunny Florida
(Sunny Florida)   
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