So we beat on boats against the current Borne back ceaselessly into the past You forget what you want to remember And remember what you want to forget And we are quotation marks, inverted and upside down, Clinging to one another at the end of this life sentence. Trapped by lives we didn’t choose.
The heart dies a slow death. Shedding each hope like leaves. Until one day there are none. No hopes… no nothing. My thoughts are stars. I cannot fathom into constellations.
Beautiful things only grow to a certain height. And they fail and fade off. And in that moment. I swear we were infinite. I hid my deepest feelings so well. I forgot where I placed them.
We’ve all got both light and dark inside us What matters is what part we choose to act on. That is who we really are. She is madness, sanity. She is hell….and paradise.