I was in grief.... I couldn't achieve All the expectations, Too much to handle I couldn't tackle. I wanted to leave!!!
I wanted them to accept my flaw, Even if my words cut them like a saw. I didn't want to be corrected. I just wanted my pain to be deflected. I was a ******* pessimist, I looked at things through a dark mist. I didn't want to change. Yes people left!! But they were not to blame.
As I grew I realised, CHANGE isn't a crime. It's not about pleasing others. It's about bringing out the brighter colours. If I was kind, selfless, gentle and wise Would people leave?? NO There would have been no goodbyes.
You've heard of the phrase "Don't change stay the same" Honestly, that is just insane. As we go through the phases of life *We will encounter CHANGE.
I miss some of my friends. I wish I could turn back time. I'm really sorry for how I was. Now I'm open to CHANGE, thanks to my Saviour.