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Jul 2017
I finally hit Broadway
not the Broadway,
but one in Stratford,

The Olympic gateway
and my way out.

On to Bow, the bell
and the roundabout,
you cyclists
this is East London's
very own hell.

This is much of a muchness
such as it be
the traffic's quite light
at a quarter to three,
the night folk have left their
yesterday behind
and the 'Blind Beggar'
on the corner
Is closed.

The Belisha,
a beacon of hope we
don't get run over
and we cross anyway.

The pigeons do well on
their tidbits of bread,
it always appears
that they're ready
for bed.

Market stalls and
hawkers calls
'Four for a pound
fresh in today'
the aroma of coffee
the roasting of beans
scenes of the day

I'm getting old and
seem to notice lots more,
a timely reflection
time catches me napping.

mapping my way off Broadway.
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
     ---, Mike Adam, Kelly Rose and Nico Julleza
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