Tuna sandwiches on white bread Carried in a paper bag Josh Groban on the CD player Season Three of 2 broke Girls Matching shoes and purses Vacation in the Pocanos Subscription to People Magazine Pennies in a piggy bank Silver-beige 4-door Accord A little college but no degree Always ten pounds overweight Celebration meal at Sizzler Artificial Christmas tree pre-lit A mole that wants removing Off white walls, pale green carpet Outfits from mail order catalogs Paydays with no yearly bonus Jeopardy and Wheel of fortune Polyester perm press everything Bic Stik ball point pen Swanson's TV dinner Flip phone with no camera *** two times a week and Sunday Writing verse nobody reads ljm
I was thinking that my life has grown boring, and that started me making a list of all the most boring things I could think of. Never been to the Pocanos, but I do have pennies in a piggy bank But I wouldn't write with a Bic Stik if you paid me.