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Jul 2017
My love for you is blood, and it flows around my body,
it rushes through my veins and my heart is the main source keeping the love pulsing through me.
I begin to tell our story with the typical humour and the warmth that accompanies our love,
we know no one’s adoration can be this tough
and I find the ending is stapled under my tongue,
and I know I can’t bring my-self to admit we are coming undone.

And as Shakespeare said β€œthe course of true love never did run smooth”
And now I understand it stings every time I breathe, every time I think and every time I move,
Is it true? What they say? Are we incompatible,
No, just irrevocable and inevitable
dating an older boy nobody approves of.
India Hares
Written by
India Hares  16/F/England
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