"It occurs to me that I am America. I am talking to myself again." - Allen Ginsberg
What does it mean to be an American? Does it mean I can say the Pledge of Allegiance When I'm told? Does it means that I can vote for My president, Governor, and County clerk Even when every choice is a Condemnation? Does it mean that I must be Proud of the military? Does it mean that I am Entitled to the world's oil reserves? Is being an American a liberty or A constraint? Why are America's trails full of tears? If I am cold will the Flag serve to warm me? Will that be enough? Is it ever enough? Does "one nation under God" refer to My god, too? Does America's god practice The golden rule? When will America keep its nose Out of the Middle East? If America loses its nose In the Middle East, will a new nose Be elected - this one twice as nosey? Does being an American mean that We can only dream in Red or white or blue? Does the American dream seem like a Nightmare to anyone else? Is it America's bad conscience That keeps it up at night? Does America ever get the blues? Does America ever open a dictionary? Does America know the Difference between "democracy" and "Oligarchy?" Is America aware that I do? Can America survive on Minimum wage? Does America pay its taxes on time? Does America go to work every day With a smile? Does America punch out and feel Proud? Does America really blow smoke Up our *****? Is six dollars and seventy-seven cents Enough to get me through the week? Does America only have one life? Is one life enough to satisfy her? What about three-hundred million? What about me?