From here and there I hear him speak His voice, falling in mild whispers But he always plays hide n’ seek
At times he speaks loud n’ clear Sometimes so harsh and stern How he denies my wild longings With a stubborn ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
What magic and mystery in him stored I am at a loss to gauge Amid the shards of my broken sleep I often struggle to decipher his mysterious codes
I sought after him ever and ever Down the nights and through the days Taking him to be one from the dead, I searched him through avenues dark
Along aisles of the dead lain in rows And in the hallways of fame But he eluded me like a mysterious sprite Prancing around and hiding about
When I give up my search after him He shouts and whistles amid the din And I see faint truths suddenly uncoiling Forming in me a clearer perspective of life
At the end of my incessant search I chanced to meet him within my own self Peering into my depths, I saw him, his face veiled And a balance held obliquely in his hands
Lifting the veil from his countenance I saw him clear, clear as in a mirror Someone with such commanding air And stern with an impassive demeanor
In the still pool of humid silence I heard him introduce himself His sound ringing so distinct and clear Leaving echoes in the hall of stillness
“I am CON- SCI-ENCE, Your alter ego Listen to me, you shall not stray’’!