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Jun 2017
Enter the Dragon

I didn't start with my addiction until I was 13. It was at that point that I found alcohol. "Demon ***". And a terrible scourge it was for a majority of my life.

I want to preface this next segment by saying that I love my father dearly. He is now sober and has been many decades. But at the time my story is being told, he was an alcoholic. Of the first water. A "responsible" drunk. He held down a job. A job he hated. And so he ran away from life when he could. And both my parents liked to throw parties. There were always mixed drinks. Martinis. *Lots of them
. After a few my father could no longer maintain. He couldn't mix the drinks. So guess who was recruited as bartender? You got it. And I began to imbibe in my own creations as I had to "test" the taste. They were good, alright. And my customers got plowed! I would have also, but God had His hand on me, even then. I somehow knew better. I got tipsey. But my REAL alcoholic behavior would come later. At that point I began raiding my father's liquor cabinet. The drugs came later, too...

... enter a little girl named CRICKET.**

One martini, two martini, tee martooni, four... on the FLOOR!
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