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May 2017
imagine there's
a place of rest
a place of total peace
where you will never
gain a pound
no matter how you feast!

a place with no more war
a place with no more fears
a place of such perfection
it may just produce tears
a place you'll never tire of
though there 10,000 YEARS

where you can fly
with wings as eagles
like crystal, feathers gleam
where light pulses forever
better than a dream!

where there's a color
limitlessly broad
where the music
can be SEEN!
do you find that odd?

liquid flowers!
trees swim in the air!
there is no more poverty
there is no despair

imagine an
I wonder if you can
where we can work
every woman
every man!


how can we imagine?
how we will applaud!
the things He made
just for us...

our kind and loving

~~<♡ GOD ♡>~~

(C) 5/27/2017
What no eye has seen,
What no ear has heard
And what no human mind
Has conceived
The things God has prepared
For those that love Him.

1 Corinthians 2:9
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