‘to die is different from what anyone supposed, and luckier’ i think about death everyday. frightened by it, intrigued by it i cannot escape it. i have seen what it can do, an endless hunt after anything that lives. constantly wondering when will i be marked? when will i be hunted by them. others embrace it. death to them is a blessing. but how can someone see something so frightening something so powerful how could they see it as beautiful? how could they actually want that? there is so much to life-- yet so much more to death. it is said that how one dies, shows how one lived. and that those who run from death stood still in life. what will my death say about me? what will it say about how i wasted my life with pools of sparkling tears and butterflies that once sat in my stomach pouring out of my mouth? would people know that i stood still? i think about death every single day that i live. every day that will pass every second every minute every year. every tear. every breath. every sight. every look. every beat of my heart. every drop of blood coursing through my veins every word i speak every thought i think i will think about death i will run from death. wishing that someday i can embrace the beauty of it. but until then, (if it ever even comes) it will continue to be run run run chase chase chase filled with fear and anxiety waiting for them as they lurk in the shadows of life watching, perhaps laughing at my fear of them at my racing thoughts of when why and how
a poem i did a while back. love walt whitman, by the way