Sweet pliability of a woman’s spirit That can surrender itself to its own illusions Somehow to cheat sorrow of their weariest moments. Had I not trod upon such enchanted ground I would have not known the smooth velvet path Fancied by those rose-budded petals of delight.
When the evils of the world wear sores upon me And there seems to be no retreat from them – I take upon me 'your' course and leave this world Of fit and anger and find that it is only with 'you' That I have a clearer view of the Elysian Fields Upon which your womanly heart depends.
I see those evils wave their ugly heads in defeat Even unto their own thoughts as you cast out the shadows. I lose myself in you all those ill wills finding That it is only your affections worth living for. Surely this is not walking in a vain shadow Nor do I do injustice to you by walking with you.
A man walks in any direction because he claims to Walk with the issue of his commotions – for no good reason. But in woman, at times, she walks in the direction of her Heart as she conquers any single bad sensation of That heart as decisively as that of reason - often sorely Defeated before there is a fight to be fought.
They say that a woman thinks more with the left side Of her brain while a man thinks mostly with the right. The journey between right and left is but a few centimeters. That distance between those quadrants can at times seem Light years apart as if the universe is turned topsy-turvy. Neither is more intelligent than the other, or so they say but
Science also says
Men tend to do better with tasks requiring more localized processing Such as mathematics which is attributed to the white matter of the brain. Women are better at integrating and assimilating information from the Distributed gray-matter regions of the brain, which aids In language and communication skills. This is a generalization and is not true of all men and women.
So how is a man to ever understand a woman or a Woman ever to be able to understand a man? I can only attest to my own case. If a man subscribes himself upon such an injury That he incapacitates that masculine routing of reason Then his mind is forced to regenerate itself creating different Avenues of his ability to be human.
If by accident or injury he somehow disables some of the White matter of his brain then over time the gray matter Takes over what the white matter no longer can perform. In essence there isn’t a left and a right anymore. When that happens a man is open to communication In an entirely new and different way.
What once was a bullheaded ***** thinking mainly with Parts of himself that were more important to him than anyone else, Now he is forced to see both sides of every issue. Words are not the same, music isn’t the same and Neither is anything else, not even a single breath. So whenever you read something from one of these mutant men –
Remember what has happened to get this one to that place.
And remember always, hope shortens all journeys By sweetening them, so sing my little stanzas As I sing them – as with the devotion of a hymn. If you do this every morning you will arise And eat your breakfast with more comfort for it. Make no mistake of it – I am a man in every way That a man can be a man.
It’s just according to science that I think more like a woman. For better or worse and Whether anyone likes it or not. Personally I think I'm somewhere in between.