I do not understand his ways I cannot predict his moves I do not think I even approve his ways I do not think it is his ways
The phone call brings more questions Call that got me looking back to my thinking Can this be the universe shifting things for me
When the struggle continues And there is no peace The call rings and on the other end it is the voice
I do not want to hear this voice I do not want to see this being But here we are The universe possibilities made it possible
You are favoured why is that I do not know Even my heart worships you I want to deny it that privilege but it dishonour me My own heart beats for someone else My heart beats but for me
I feel betrayed My heart is smiling My thoughts are at peace My emotions are calm
How can this happen The universe made possible but for me Oh! Why is she the chosen one My struggles means nothing Nothing that I agree to sacrifices To sacrifice what I thought will bring me happiness
So I am back in your books Seeing me in your books makes you happy Your happiness is a struggle to me While you are happy I am dying inside
No one understands No one sees this No one hears my cry
I have made the sacrifice Sacrifices for my own happiness I do not know how long my heart will last But as long as it last you are happy
I want to wake up I want this to be a dream The dream that will never creeps in sleep no more I will never know As I do not know now