I saw the flames He jumped through He just leaped through the fire Completely unhurt I was amazed Id heard tale of such feats But even still To actually watch it happen I was enthralled I was awestruck And then i desired to feel Those flames lick my face I wanted to feel the heat And yet remain unscathed I wanted to jump And so i did I ran towards the flames I was so excited I wanted to leap through the air But when i came close When i saw those flames in my face I stopped For a split second I stopped I hesitated And that threw me off So as i jumped i fell Into the flames And i got burned I have the scar on my knee Its not bad But **** did it hurt I have the giant bruise on my side And **** did it hurt But none of my physical pain Hurt nearly as much As the embarrassment did As much as knowing that everyone had watched That everyone saw That everyone knew That i had failed I had fallen and got burned And that pain was unbearable I had to leave to step away I couldn't face anyone And so i went off By myself And sat and thought And made the decision that i would play it safe And not take risks And thus I wouldn't fail And thus I wouldn't face the pain I could just stay safe But as i think about it I remember the rush The flames licking my face That moment before i fell And i felt amazing Before I hesitated before i jumped I was excited I was doing something And it was a rush So yeah i fell And yeah i hurt And yeah the pain was real But thinking back to it Id do it again in a heart beat The only difference is I wouldn't hesitate Or if i did Right after i fell Rather than leaving Id run at the fire again And id keep jumping Until I finally made it.
This actually happened but it really opened my eyes to how i view life and how i let the fear of failure keep me from trying