I have heard talk of us Moving to the planet Mars To keep this Human race running
When it's clear our saving grace Is to come face to face With the idea of brotherly loving
We need to learn to accept Instead of packing up our bags And moving to a new Planetary System
As it goes with the heart of man Chances are we'll do it all again Bringing our daily problems with us
With a major change of heart We can stay here where we are Getting along the way it was intended
Before all this selfishness Knocked on the door to live with us And everything we touched needed mending
We don't need another planet to rule As gigantic galactic space age fools We just need to straighten this one up
And how we proceed to do that Is with the heart not just the head Turning to each one of us in love
So whether here or on the planet Mars We can change just who we are Getting rid of the old worn out platitudes
We don't need little green men To tell us how or where to beginΒ Β What we really need is a whole new change in attitude
I heard Stephen Hawking say we have about 100 years to colonize another planet because we're wearing this one out. If we started treating it and us the way God intended we wouldn't be having these problems now would we Stephen.