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May 2017
A dream becomes a nightmare,
when you dream it alone.

A poem becomes empty,
when it's meaning is lost.

Joy becomes a burden,
when you keep it a secret.

But how can the circle be broken,

When your dreams are meant to be kept a secret.
So you don't lose your last chance to not end up all alone.

The answer is hidden in the words I cannot say
This is one of my first poems I ever wrote. and deffinitly not my best work, it has been years ago now. I still knew I hid a message in it, but it took me a few hours to find it again. even though I wrote it. So i guess everyone who will happen to read it won't find it at all. But maybe, that's the beauty of this poem: knowing there is a hidden message in it, but not being able to find it. since, that's what this poem is all about
Written by
Haasje  20/M/The netherlands
(20/M/The netherlands)   
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