Enchanted by spring’s rustling whispers ... whistles swirl in the pungent springtime breeze; steeped with a bedazzling cadence heart dancing to a hummingbird’s whirs
waves of breath, of little wings waft, whooshing throughout twining honeysuckle lattice a tiny manger beset of hidden gold precious speckled eggs, silver lining of smallest hopes fruits of fruition continuum beheld prize, concealed in interwoven rootlets;
potently perfumed flowers while away the waning dark hours; swollen full flower moon waxing yellow,.. heavenly fragrance sweetly-scented suckled nectar
the one with eyes of a child, wonder ― hidden inside, marvel in the light of grateful eyes imbibing an unholdable moment's spellbinding elixir ... poetry alive
air so poignantly perfumed with blossom moonstruck by spring’s frolicking cadency a reverent moment's edifying intoxication