we were two hands wound tight as we got our first tattoos
and last week i was the arm stained with your tears
(the last time i remember seeing you cry was the night last summer when i told you i was planning to die and you told me it was selfish but you needed me)
it's not selfish to need someone its selfish to think you're strong enough to make it all alone
you are strong oh you are so strong
but sometimes we need someone to give permission to let us be weak and i know that for you i am that someone and for me you are that someone
yet i'm sorry that i am not always so strong
(and now comes the point in the poem where i feel guilty for a few stanzas but we both already know that part by heart so this time i'll skip it)
a long time ago you fell off the face of the earth and i still don't exactly know where you went but there are parts to every long and somewhat dark story that eventually become so hazed over with dust and grime it's better to forget them entirely
but i wrote you a letter and i don't remember what i wrote and i don't know if it changed anything
but i know after that you came back and i don't know much but i know maybe
you didn't need me to have the answers you just needed me to be out there somewhere
i can't promise you perfection or good advice or stability or anything helpful like that
but that's okay because i'm human and i can't promise you i won't cry but i promise you i'm not going anywhere
our relationship lasts because it is both selfish and selfless
(you told me asking someone having a panic attack to "breathe for me" triggers guilt which causes them to be willing to do it for the other person i know it works because you've walked me out of enough panic attacks and because sometimes i'm over here staying alive because i know you need me to which is probably selfish for both of us but it's working so hey)
and staying alive is the hardest and in the end most selfish thing i've ever done but for you i'll try.