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Apr 2017
With a thought I can destroy the world
Just a word, really

It hurts me that it's hard
To make it another day and still remember to breathe, but

I still have to fall in love
So I can't let myself leave

All it takes is a thought, a word really
And I am falling from this world

So I promise myself not to think so much
I'll dance instead
You'll find me running barefoot across the world
My hair wild behind me
I will leap over "why" and shake hands with "what"
Maybe then it won't seem so hard to breathe
And I will rejoice that, in the cage of my youth, I did not, once and for all, destroy reality

One day, I will fall in love

Instead, I will set the world free
Amethyst Fyre
Written by
Amethyst Fyre  Earth
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