I want to move on, But I am stuck. Stuck on the memories. Stuck on what could've been. Stuck on wondering what went wrong. Stuck on wondering what more I could've done.
I am stuck on the way you made me laugh. I am stuck on the way you held my hand. I am stuck on the way you held me in your arms, as we gazed up at the stars on a cold December night. I am stuck on our roadtrips and our perfectly imperfect duets. I am stuck on who you empowered and encouraged me to be. I am stuck on how you made me feel and who you were when I was falling in love.
Now, I see you, And every time I do, My heart breaks all over. I see you talk to everyone else in the room, and bit by bit I fall apart inside. I see you with other girls, encouraging them the way you did me at the beginning. I see you moving on, completely unstuck, Completely unphased by the torment I am in.
You made me genuinely happy. Happier than I've ever been. And I can choose to be joyful and patient and kind and humble and good,