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Apr 2017
I used to smile in my sleep,
Before you stole my soul from here

My eyes in the mirror speak of you in ways no one else seems to hear
My dear, you took me to where the world breathes color
And you stabbed the heart of it, laughing at my despair

Who is this wraith you've made of me?
Dark hollows under her eyes, and three ribs protruding on each side

Yet you-
I've come to chase your peculiar warmth on sunny days
Because the sun is no longer enough for me

I crave you

You are chaos,
The colors fleeing desperately from your steps
Your touch steals my smile
And I don't care to find it

Instead, I will pretend
I will pretend that this is where I belong
This endless sleep, wrapped up in your arms
To the boy with endless eyes who haunts my thoughts
Amethyst Fyre
Written by
Amethyst Fyre  Earth
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