we are sending out signals to other dimensions yet we ignore the voice of our mother nature is vocal like a duck or a turtle singing songs of holy madness sad like concubines in the throes of being ravaged damaged goods are food for the moon soon we are heavy like the dance floor sidewalk mantras sung to daughters caught between their feelings and their heartbeats you can’t separate the world from its weirdness for it wouldn’t make sense any longer and why do we become shy the moment we most desire to be seen intangible fences separate our minds giving thanks for the luminous divide that synthesizes the binary world reminds me that our struggle to overcome division is to find chiral asymmetry at the heart of every equation do you truly want to know the reason why our hands hold our souls in balance or would you prefer to ponder sedentary snails in the heat of summer salty solutions produced by our intrusions how must we maneuver in order to surrender i confess to know nothing and release my own expectations i am one among many who are merely here to say hello