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Apr 2017
I am not here. I hear them talk, but
 their words do not reach me. I hear myself talking like
a theatre actor learning a play's lines. I am
 faraway, beyond the light and into delightful days, where the
 highway does not bring me home, but where I do belong. That
 place is a faraway land, full of fairies and leprechauns and
 knights in shining armour... they don't need to know
 that I exist. It is a land where I will go beyond my
 body, beyond reason. Because my tensed body gives me reason.
 I can feel every muscle in my body full of that faraway land
 energy, and every blood vessel in it is full of the dream of
 having it devouring my imagination. I feel blind. I am not
 able to see, nor hear the voices in my throat. But they are
 there, so close to my heart that I could breathe them
 through the lungs and spit them back to where they belong,
 back into my heart. I am not here. I feel myself, but beyond
 their reach. They will never touch me, as I have put them
 there, where they belong - in a shadowed corner of my ear.
 There they will not be able to hear the sound of the fairies
 wings, nor the laughter of the leprechauns. They will never
 be able to smell the tar on the back of my knights. But so
 be it. Let them smell fresh rain on hot concrete and hear
 the cracking of elders bones. As this is who they are and
 who I am.
Intr-un mine indepartat

Nu sunt aici. Ii aud vorbind, insa cuvintele lor nu imi ajung urechilor. Ma aud vorbindu-le, ca si cand as repeta replicile unei scenete. Sunt intr-un mine indepartat, depasind barierele luminii, intru delicioase zile, undeva unde nicio autostrada nu ma poate purta acasa, ci numai acolo unde apartin cu adevarat. Acel meleag este un taram indepartat, plin de zane si spiridusi si cavaleri in armura… ce nu au nevoie sa stie ca sunt. Este un taram in care voi exista mai presus de fiinta, de trup, mai presus de ratiune. Intrucat fiinta-mi imi este ratiune. Imi simt fiecare muschi din trup plin de caldura acelui taram indepartat, iar fiecare capilar din el este plin de dorinta de a-mi avea imaginatia devorata de acel meleag de vis. Sunt orb. Nu *** vedea, nici auzi glasuirile pieptului meu. Dar ele sunt acolo, si inca atat de aproape de inima mea incat le *** inspira adanc in plamani, ca apoi sa le revars inapoi unde le este locul, inapoi in pieptul meu. Nu sunt aici. Ma simt, dar mai presus de simtire. Nu ma *** atinge, caci i-am pus acolo unde le este locul – intr-un colt intunecat al urechii mele. Acolo nu vor putea auzi zbuciumul aripilor zanelor, nici rasul spiridusilor. Nu vor putea vreodata simti mirosul de smoala de pe spatele cavalerilor mei. Dar fie. Fie-le ploaia proaspata pe cimentul incins si trosnetul oaselor imbatranite. Caci acestea sunt ei si acesta sunt eu.
Ioana - Silvia Manea
       ---, Jim Davis, imnthea, ---, PixieWee and 26 others
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