when you only see the world through the prism of an Instagram filter, the spectrum's overshadowed by black and white vignettes.
brick-by-brick you build that wall around yourself, closed off to the plight of every one else. who needs borders when you refuse to see beyond the periphery of your iPhone's screen? refugees? border patrol? endless war?
merely fragmentary snapshots in off-kilter snapchats casting grim light on contemporary outcasts, rebels built to outlast the vitriol leveled at modern-day martyrs by tyrants and overlords.
'cause when you neglect to read the passages of history, you scapegoat the brave, can't see the forest for the trees, reduce the complex to Manichean binaries of Good vs. Evil, Left vs. Right, an infinite etcetera of demagoguery.
noses glued to illuminated screens, ignoring the visionaries for illusionary fantasies: one-click—purchased happiness, bread and circus. advertising has us chasing a feeling fleeting as a riptide when we ought to be rallying on the front lines, punching Nazis. a black bloc tossing bricks into storefront windows.
There is a time for reciting poems and a time for fists. ~ Roberto Bolaño, "The Secret Detectives"