i must give you a full physical exam to fully grasp my prognosis and plan of treatment for you... dont be afraid i feel confident, no need to debate i can satisfy and gratify your pre-dic-ament in the richest succulent
as a specialist, to some degree my healing hands work expertly but to receive full and complete treatment you must partake my honey rather frequent for a better plan of action i require a full body transfusion a chemical mixture of center fuses a delicate blending of our juices this may require several procedures over time it provides many features healing properties of your most vital ***** however worth it, even if, it cost a fortune to this a can guarantee success but first you must fully undress
i work with energy transference your help required for successful convergence of the best possible results between two consenting adults
bartering is certainly a viable option for your long term medical condition providing equal services for each other helps maintain balance to one another
Hehehe. For my muse, I bit of fun playing doctor after a rough Monday, possibly a treat Tuesday morning for those halfway around the world. So many patients, so little time Oh good gracious, it's only a rhyme https://youtu.be/NQ7WyP_qCZk