Is that your friend or a snake in disguise, If that person gives a advice that will lead to your demise. Just some questions? Snakes in the grass, The only why to see them, Is to lawnmower the grass...
Since young even now I still dream of being rich, I'm on the road to the rich side, How can you blame a black man, who works for fiends, By serving them, doing the ***** jobs, How can you blame a black man that never had things???... There are only two ways... The good news is you on your way to the rich side, The bad news is you on the wrong way of the side, I personally think being poor is better.
The only thing that a male wants, Is a Rolex or AP so he can flex with his left rist, Can never compare to someone, Because we all disequilibrium. All blessed but people thinking the blessing is not enough, Always gonna be a shoe that's better than yours, Always gonna be an apartment that better than yours, The struggle contains beauty and all types of happiness.
I think being poor is better. Live your life to it's betterest level, Always esteem yours...