In the fellowship of believers I lift my voice; in the fellowship of believers I make my praises loud; in the fellowship of believers Your marvelous name is proclaimed.
Rejoice! Let every nation, let every tribe, let all creation, gather as one in harmony.
What power there is in unity! Unity under the Holy One; unity under the Lord our God.
When we come together, He is there! Evil has no power for His goodness triumphs!
Our God is undefeatable, our God stands unshakable; He remains, He endures, He withstands the test of time. He always persists, always perseveres, always prevails.
I fear not for the world will not conquer me; I fear not for the world has no power over my life.
The Lord shall keep my feet steady on His path! He keeps me steady as I walk in His ways; He keeps me steady for all of my days; therefore, He is worthy of all praise!
The righteous rejoice in the Lord, but the wicked do no such thing; The righteous experience true freedom, but the wicked remain slaves to their sin.
Rejoice! Let every nation, let every tribe, let all creation, gather as one in harmony.
Again I say Rejoice! Lift up your voice and make your praises loud; proclaim the marvelous name of the Lord; so all may know and be saved.
for one of my classes i had to compose my own psalm, and here is the result.