weeping willows dangling their thin lithesome leafed branches curved in genuflection caressing the surface of life giver Aqua as if the brimming pool perhaps a creation of its own weeping from leaf through root to leaf seeping age old unbroken circle of life memory of fingertips rife trailing ripples that won't collapse Gently did I scull the rented skiff disheartened grief stricken and stiff opposing tomorrow's defeat my heart heavy struggling to beat as if lead had bound it in straps already my mind's in sorrow seeing my sadness on the morrow the Greyhound bus diminishes until it slowly vanishes leaving me standing with our scraps of long hot steamy summer nights holding to each other despite the sweat that passion delivers though in August's heat we shiver cold promenades, foggy wraps through damp dense swirling wraiths we tail pretending to be on the trail of Jack the Ripper in our hood the hammered trilling of our blood when passion and play overlap last spring your pirouettes in flowers demanding all of my powers to not burst in flames of lust my love for you just that robust you kept your feelings under wraps how could our sweet love have come to I need to get away from you a cheap bus ticket to "the Bay" is now an entire world away.