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Mar 2017
I'm living in a tiny box
With pin pricked holes around
I see the light reflect on skin
And hear most every sound

The walls -- opaquely vivid
I see all that is to be
But sometimes I only wish
I was a different me

A me that didn't have a box
A me that interacted
One who could live out loud and wild
One that's less distracted

One that didn't have restraints
Who filled her life with fun
Because living inside my box
Is dulling heat from sun

See, some can live without a box
Smiling through their skin
They dance and run under the sun
The world is but their kin

They go on great adventures
Capture potent smiles
Dance under the raining sky
And sing out loud for miles.

I'd like to say my box protects
From ultimate demise
But the things that worry me the most
Are the things that lie inside
Tara Marie
Written by
Tara Marie  Illinois
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