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Denise huddleston
Mar 2017
Witching Hour
She rises out of bed at midnight
She's got long black hair with some touches of white
She has long fingernails
With some black nail polish made from snails
She starts to dress putting on a long black dress
******* boots with a black scarf to top it off she's expecting a guest
She lives in the forest
Where no one has ever been unless their summoned or needing a spell word has it she's very experienced
She goes into her den
Grabbing a bucket and a net like she has done time and time again
Grabbing her torch setting the end on fire Ready to go explore and get what was required
She opens her crookedly door
Into the darkness she goes with her black cat in tow
She's hunting for her supplies
She's got her list two frogs,crow's feet, one rat heart, a lizard tail and one monkey ******* which was a surprise
She gathers her findings
Stuffs them in her bag filled with linings
Heading home she uses her broom
She has an appointment tonight so she heads to the darkroom
She gets home and begins her brew
I slowly and unsure I knock on her door this seems so taboo
Come on in little beauty
Do you have it she snarls I'm just so wary
I do I replied a lock of my hair
Including a small jar of my bright red blood with one tear
She took the items from me
Come sit down so we can get started so you can be free
I watched in silence
As she mixed everything in a ******* *** I was in reliance
She grabs my hand and puts the other on my forehead
You have a lot in there I can't promise we'll get them all it's so dredging
She started chanting as she stirred the potion
Let these demons out, let these demons out I feel like there's gonna be an execution
I was frightened
But they had to go to the island
Now drink this, I did as told
Now repeat after me she was in control
Release these demons from me
Take them away to burn in hell take all the debris and leave me the master key
Never to come back release my soul
For you have lived with me by entering through the keyhole
I started screaming,shaking,my eyes rolled up into my head
I was starting to seize up my body felt like fire I could feel the undead
I felt the demons inside me fighting for their survival
They started to rival
Release these demons at once she yelled
All of a sudden I could feel the demons obeying her commands the demons started to dispel
Finally it was over I don't remember it at all
But the witch said we didn't get them all due to the big brawl
You have very strong demons still inside you
This is all I can do you may have to give the devil his due
The witch just made this god awful eeeheheehe
I knew at that point I was ******* do you disagree
I ran as fast as I could to get out of the forest
Glad she got rid of some of the demons but the rest still daunting me forever and are the strongest
Written by: Denise Huddleston
Written by
Denise huddleston
Jade Louise
Druzzayne Rika
21 others
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