A quest to find the chalice & mast the squire had searched throughout the kingdom A fare maiden was in waiting in her room to cherish a red rose that was plucked a time before
A dragon with fire in his nostrils beneath the dungeon inside he hides beside the swell Blackened stench of death a court jester dazzles with his baton
Tiny trolls were let loose on the vast kingdom's grounds a fairy with crystals in there wings fly by Hobbits come out of there houses Today they will hear a message from the king
Through the darkness of the castle there he sits alone The curtain drew back and then he stood Children of the kingdom come hobbits and all a Trojan horse will ride through the town
It is my pledge for all to see and be happy silence came through the room and then The king stated again, " A beacon of hope to a hurting world". Then all would see the king ride the horse
Blessed be the time for joy Blessed be far and low Strength comes from up above Love is the true essence of are existence