there's a game we all know that has a Monopoly over us that doesn't take a dice to throw nor a score to plus
its the game of Hearts sometimes complex like Draughts. a game of straight flushing and great blushing in spates of gushing or candid Candy crush Crushing
sometimes there's: star crossed Starcraft lovers two-per scenario Super Mario Brothers and the game's a Tetris tete a tete a dual duel between two beating chests each with a Chess set missing a King or Queen they've yet to get Romeos and Juliets though they've only just met
and other times; we're just trying to Connect fo(u)r two seconds for once in this scrabble scramble through life Risking it all in the Trivial Pursuit of trying to fit in the Sudoku by following some pseudo social cues of the games creator that says we're failures if we're not in 2player