When everything is fading away, I will look up towards the stars and let myself bask in the silver moonlight of good memories.
I will remember their smiles, the warmth radiating through their bodies the words and actions they dropped on me each day, how I always waited and listened for their calling of my name.
I will recall their good times, when laughter tickled them in devilish delight when they put their differences aside to be happy for the moment or so, when they shook their heads at each other but always ended up holding hands, and walking together anyways.
I will memorize the jagged pieces of their hearts, stitched mended held back up together for better or for worse, how they tried to live without cutting themselves with the sharp edges.
Although I think only of the good sometimes I burst into tears, I sob and I shudder, sometimes I can't forgive them most of the time I can't forgive myself,
but in the end, I need to smile I need to laugh, see that twinkle in my eyes feel the warmth bubbling inside my chest whenever I think of them, I remember only the good times.